Must Watch Videos
The following is a curated list of great miscellaneous videos from MAD, other debating societies and competitions around the world.
How to win debates without really making arguments: An Introduction to Framing
As part of the Manchester IV 2015, the Chief Adjudicator's were invited to give presentations the night before the competition began. Here, Adam Hawksbee presents "How to win debates without really making arguments". Adam was the winner of the Zagreb EUDC 2014.
Michael Dunn Goekijan on framing
One of the Chief Adjudicators for WUDC México 2018, Michael Dunn Goekijan, offers a fantastic explanation and advice on “framing“: explaining why an argument is important within a given debate.
Tim Sonnreich On First Principles
Tim’s brain child and a guiding concept at MAD is first principles of debating. This video is a must see for every novice and more experienced debaters who are looking to master the innate question at the core of every deabte.