Motion: The statement to be debated over. E.g. “That we increase the income tax in Australia”
Proposition/Government/Affirmative/Aff: The team that argues for the motion.
Opposition/Opp: The team That argues against the motion.
Prep Time: The time allocated for teams to talk about and prepare their points (Typically 30min in 3v3, and 15min in BP)
Analysis: The logic and reasoning that leads to and backs up an argument
Substantive: New arguments and analysis that create a case for or against a motion.
Rebuttal: The response and counter-argument to a teams substantive or analysis
Burden: The responsibility to prove something in a debate. (For example, a team could have the burden to prove that increased police would reduce crime)
Model: The set of mechanisms or policies proposed by a team to get an outcome. Typically used by the affirmative.
Counter-Model: A model proposed by a team on the opposition.
Counterproposal: An alternative proposal made by a team on the oposition
Squirrel: An unreasonable attempt by the affirmative team to restrict a motion, or change it’s definition from the ‘spirit’ or intended meaning of the motion.
This House: Used in motions, essentially a fancy way of saying that we are the actor in the debate.
Regrets motion : A motion where the proposition/side arguing for the motion must argue why something in the current world is bad/why we would regret it.
Adjudicator: The judge of a debate
Panel: A Panel is a set of multiple adjudicators who collectievly judge your debate
Chair : The most senior adjudicator in a debate, who typically has the most influence over the rsepnose.
Chief Adjudicator (CA): The person in charge of ranknig judges and setting motions.
3v3: A debating format where two teams of three will debate. Typically a format of 30min prep time, alternating speakers from each team, and the rule that the third speaker cannot raise new substantive arguments.
Reply speech: A speech given in a variation of the 3v3 format where teams give a ‘biased adjudication’ of the debate tat the end
BP/British parliamentry: A debating format where four teams of two will debate. Typically 15mins prep time, with POIs. A more complicated format than 3v3
POI/Point of Information : A short question or rebuttal asked to the speaker on the opposite side. Used in the British Parliamentry Format
OG/OO/CG/CO: The four teams within a BP debate. Opening government, Opening oposition, Closing Government, Closing opposition
Extension: New material brought in by the closing half of a BP debate.
Knife: When a closing team contradicts the opening team on the same side. I.e CG knifing OG would look like OG supporting something, and CG claiming that that idea wouldn’t work
Worlds: The annual Worlds Universities Debating Championship, held internationally each year
Australs: The Australasian Intervarsity Debating Championships. Held annually and internationally for universities in Australia and Asia
Easters: The Australian Intervarsity Debating Championships. A novice tournament held annually in Australia.
Tab: The ranking of speakers, teams and judges in a competition. Used to judge the break.
Bin: A low-ranked room where debates are often messy and poorly adjudicated
Break: To reach the final rounds of a competition where the tournament transitions to an elimination style.
Break/Bubble Room : A room in the final round of the first stage where teams could potentially break
Closed/Secret round: A room where the result of the adjudication is kept secret from teams to build suspense.